Sunday, February 14, 2010

What's the current situation?

Unfortunately, a long term stay at the current location is not sustainable. To survive, LCDI needs;

  • Cheaper accomodation
  • Room for sustainability projects
  • Funding

Cheaper accomodation is possible. LCDI management have found a site with the room for agricultural projects and at less than half the ongoing rental costs of the current location. The downside is that it costs a lot to move the school and the location is like a scene from the 'Jungle Book'. It will take a lot of work to transform the location into a new school.

We have some sustainability projects lined up, including raising chickens and pigs for eating and sale, renting and faming rice paddies and planting and harvesting large vegetable gardens to reduce food costs. All of these money saving strategies will require capital.

The first stage is to collect the capital to move and find the money to pay ongoing costs that keep the school runnning. Those targets were set at USD $25000 capital to move + USD $2000 a month to keep the school running. It won't be the Hilton hotel, but it will run and give the poor kids an education.

So far, we have pledges for $20 000 and $1500 of the ongoing costs, so we are nearly there. If you are interested in donating, please contact me on and/or visit the facebook site at!/group.php?gid=293628907000&ref=mf

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