Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Moving L-CDI Cambodia

Hi all,
Sufficient donations have been pledged to allow LCDI to move to a new location. These donations have come largely from the Christadelphian Brothers and Sisters of the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Valuable donations of money and rice have also been received from Khmer supporters in France and other regular donors in Malaysia and elsewhere.
The new site is about 30 minutes by tuktuk further out of Phnom Penh. This new site is much larger, much cheaper and has lots of options for growing vegetables, raising chickens, fish and pigs and harvesting fruit.
The next month will see various organisational changes, plans to develop the curriculum, changes to regional centres and the development of the new Phnom Penh site.
Lots of work needs to be done to make the site habitable and your prayers are needed to make this re-location a success. At this time, we are still looking for donors to cover the $2500 shortfall that exists for Feb 2010-Jan 2011. If you are willing and able to contribute, please contact the Director, Kunthea

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