Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Day in the Life of an LCDI student

This 'Day in the Life' was written by one of the LCDI students who now works at the BEC (She's probably not in this picture :) ).

Early morning we are woken up at 4:30am to do individual studies. At 5am, we sing the School Song. At 5:30 we do some exercise until 5:50 when we clean up the school. After this, we have a rest and take a bath (Boys and girls have separate bathing areas, and a “bath” consists of pouring cold water from a large trough over yourself). At 7am, we say prayers for 10 minutes and then start classes until 8:30 when we get breakfast. Breakfast is usually a savoury rice porridge called “bobor”. After this we start classes again and study until midday when we get lunch. Lunch is usually rice with soup. We then get to rest for 1 hour and at 1pm we start classes again and learn until 4pm. After this we clean up the school again and rest for 20 minutes and then take another bath before singing the School Song. Then we have “conversation practice” for English speaking in small groups of 3 or 4. This takes about an hour, then dinner is eaten around 6pm. Dinner is usually rice and soup. After dinner, we are given time for individual study (about 1 hour). Following this, we pray and listen to announcements and motivational talks by the teachers or sometimes have a question and answer session. Lights out is around 9:30pm, but those who wish to continue personal study are allowed to do this outside the dormitories.

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