Friday, June 25, 2010

Interview with Phalla

1. Who are you?

My name is Prak Phalla. I am 24 years old. I am not married and I am an English teacher in L-CDI.

2. What’s your background?

I was born in 1986 and I started school when I was 7 years old. I graduated with a diploma in 2005. My parents are farmers who live in Trapenagtrav Village, Nhor commune, Kompongro District, Svay Rieng Province.

3. How did you become involved with L-CDI?

In 2003, I was told there was an English school called L-CDI located in the town of Svay Rieng. I wanted to learn English very much at that time. However, I could not come to study because I was busy studying in high school. After graduating from my high school, I decided to come to L-CDI in 2006. I graduated the 2 year comprehensive training course of L-CDI and I was employed by L-CDI till today.

4. What is your vision?

I want youths who have dropped out of schools to receive education that can help them to get a job and live better lives as I have seen many Cambodian youths have dropped out and many people are without hope and not motivated, but they have potential.
My vision is to educate youths dropped out in L-CDI and elsewhere so that they can live in harmony. I want to be further educated too.
Thankyou Phalla!