Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Work ongoing over Khmer New Year

Hi all,

Work on the new campus is ongoing, with a small group of stalwart teachers and students continuing in their efforts while everyone else returns to their province for rest.

The kitchen and rice store is up, with cookers operational and paving and concreting complete.

The girl's dormitory is standing, with bathing area concreted and paneling complete.

The double boy's dorm is framed, roofed and the concreting for the bathing area is complete.

Further, two of the ponds have been cleared for digging out and a pathway has been cleared for a plough to reach the two paddocks that will serve as vegetable gardens for the site.

Special mentions go to

Teacher Tin and Teacher Phalla for their work, Teacher Cheang for his hard work and the students for giving up time and expertise to get everything built. A special mention goes to Teacher ChungEarng for her selfless agreement to stay onsite cooking, rather than leaving to visit her family in the province.